Friday, March 05, 2010

Leaves of Love Table Top Calender

The leaves of love calender was made in January, but posting it now. It is made out of ordinary A4 size paper handpainted and cut into smaller size. Calender and pictures of leaves are handpainted. The calender sheets are then mounted on a cardboard piece, folded so as to work as a table top calender. Instead of the spiral binding, wool is used to keep them together which adds on to the handmade effect. 
The calender now rests on a different table :-)

My study table

There is no better way to tell someone that you want to be there every single day. Handcrafted with love!


srapri said...

i want to try this one out...interesting :)

...karthika... said...

I liked the idea. and the words that conclude the post!!! :)